How to Nail Your Job Interview
You’ve landed a job interview, Congratulations! Although you’re one step closer to your dream job, you’re still half way and you still need to prepare for the actual interview! So how can you prepare yourself so you can tackle every single question with confidence?
Background Research
This might be the most important tip for a job interview. Doing your background research on the employer, the industry, and the job requirements can be very helpful when answering the interview questions. Having this information beforehand can also make you feel more confident, which can certainly help you during the interview. You can go to the company’s website, their social media, or look up their company on Google. You will definitely find information about the company.
Review Common Interview Questions
Job interviews are nerve-wrecking, especially if it’s your first time as you don’t know what to expect. What you can do is prepare yourselves by looking up common interview questions and how to answer them. Though you don’t need to memorise the responses you’ve prepared for the questions, you can turn them into a story to tell in the interview, this can help create talking points in the interview.
Dress to Impress
Dress to impress! When choosing the right outfit, the most important thing is to choose one that you feel most confident in. Make sure that the outfit you’ve picked is still professional and appropriate with the company’s culture. You wouldn’t want to show up in sneakers to an interview with a finance company, or for any company to be fair!
Arrive Early
You should never arrive late to an interview! Always aim to arrive at least 15 minutes earlier so you can avoid unplanned situations like your Tram being late. Arriving early also allows you to sit back, relax and observe the workplace. It also shows your potential employer that you are punctual, and reliable.
Send a Thank You Email
This is something most people overlook, but this is actually really important! Though it can’t guarantee you getting the job, sending a Thank You email can actually set you apart from other candidates who didn’t bother to send in their Thank You email. This can help you be on top of the employer’s mind, so they can think back on how well your interview went, despite the numerous candidates they’ve interviewed that day.
So how do you feel about your interview now? Nailing a job interview requires practice and effort. The more effort you put in, the more likely you’ll succeed. All the best with your job interview!
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