Why Working Professionals Should Consider Room-By-Room Accommodations
Rental prices are going up like crazy at the moment, and for working professionals that only spend little time at home, it might not be worth such an amount of money. Have you considered renting room-by-room? Let us take you through why room-by-room accommodation might be the best option for you.
Just a big enough space
When you’re working most of the time and only at home to sleep at night, do you really need that much space? When you’re room-by-room, you can get just the right amount of space for you and your stuff, without having to worry about the extra cost for the living room you’re never in. Great for you, and great for your wallet!
Less hassle on the bills
Renting a whole house or apartment can be a huge hassle, you’ll have to pay for your rent, water, electricity bills all separately, and all to different providers. Just thinking about it can already give you a headache! In a room-by-room accommodation, the monthly rent already includes bills, so you don’t have to stress about whether you’ve paid for things such as water and electricity bills. As long as you pay your rent on time, everything is settled.
No worries about maintenance
Your showerhead’s broken, and don’t know who to call? If you’re living in a room-by-room accommodation, you can just call your Community Manager and they will sort everything out for you. The next thing you know, everything is all fixed and ready to be used again. One less thing to stress about!
Convenient locations
One thing that you need to consider when looking for a place is the location. Most room-by-room accommodations are purpose-built for students or working professionals, so they are located at very convenient spots. Whether you’re looking for a place that’s close to public transport, restaurants, or shopping malls, there will always be room-by-room accommodations there.
Private living
A common misconception about room-by-room accommodations is that it’s not private, but that’s completely wrong. Your room is all yours, meaning that no one else can go inside without your permission, as you’re the only one that has access to it. You might see other people in the communal area, but you’re welcome to not interact with them if that’s what you prefer, as most of the time everyone is busy doing their own thing.
So what do you think of room-by-room accommodations now, is it something that you would consider? Here in RoomingKos we provide room-by-room accommodations in the CBD, Caulfield, Clayton and Malvern East. Speak to us today if you have any questions!
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